January 18, 2022 6 min read
2021 has been a challenging year, but one of the upsides of spending more time at home has been the chance to introduce a new furry family member. Many people who’ve been considering taking the plunge to get a new puppy are going for it, taking advantage of time at home to settle in their little one. If that’s you, our pet experts have put together their top tips for new puppy parents. And why not celebrate this with a few gorgeous home accessories that will brighten up your petseyes every morning!
Getting a new puppy is a big commitment. While you might be at home more than usual, are you sure you have the time and tolerance needed to devote to a new, curious and understandably needy puppy?
Are you OK with little accidents, some chewing and a bit of crying, as well as the delightful pitter patter of tiny paws ? Are there any other pets you already have to consider – or other human family members? You’ll all need to be OK with bringing a new little life into your home and any adaptations you may need to make.
We’re not trying to put you off – it’s just important to be prepared for the reality of bringing a pup that’s left its mum and siblings into a whole new world. They may be excited and want to explore everywhere, they may be afraid, and they’re likely to need a lot of time and effort to settle in and train. The more of both you can commit, the sooner your puppy will become a well-adjusted member of your family. Help them adjust by gifting them with a gorgeous comfy custom made blanket partnered with their own bespoke cushion -with a picture of you and your furr friend, I'm sure a few small tweaks will make them feel at home…
We recommend you do your research about your chosen dog’s breed or rescue dogs, and what type of behaviour you can expect from them in future. Learn how big they could grow and how this will fit with your home and lifestyle. Read up on puppies and look for honest experiences from other puppy parents online or among people you know so you’re truly prepared for the demanding, exciting experience to come.
In more normal times, once your puppy is familiar with you and your home and before they have their vaccinations, it’s usually a good idea to introduce your pet to people who come and visit you. You can also take your puppy out in the car so they start to get used to it. But right now it’s vital to follow the government’s coronavirus restrictions – we’re just telling you this in case you’re preparing for getting a puppy in the future when the restrictions may be different.
Once your pup has been to the vets and completed their vaccination course, you can start taking them for walks. Going beyond the front door will bring plenty of new sights, sounds and smells to your puppy. The period up to about 18 weeks is important for getting your puppy used to different environments, dogs and people, providing you’re following the government’s coronavirus restrictions. Of course, public health outweighs a dog’s socialization needs at the moment.
Puppieshaven’t long been in the world, so it’s understandable that all the new things they hear, see and smell can be a little overwhelming – whether at home or outside. They may cry or crouch down if they feel afraid. If they do this, don’t always feel you should overcompensate by cuddling them, lifting them up or making a fuss of them. These new experiences will become more familiar in time. Praise them when they’re calm and never punish them or tell them off for crying or being afraid – this is just a normal reaction to new things and it will ease in time.
If your puppy is distressed and doesn’t show signs of calming down, remove them from the situation that is bothering them. Once they’re calm, or on another day, expose them to the person, environment or dog that worried them before and see how they react, repeating this process if necessary. Building exposure in this way can build your puppy’sconfidence until what worried them once is no longer seen as a threat.
Make them feel comfortable at home by adding a few of our gorgeous, customised accessories that will brighten their day up ….
Our favourite is a custompet portrait. Get your friend to take the perfect picture of you and your pet, customize it with Paw and Glory and put it in your favourite room!
Make them smile every time you pick up your phone with a customised phone case
Our durable iPhone case covers not only provide protection, but personality as well! It’s quick and easy for anyone to craft personalised iPhone phone cases that are truly one-of-a-kind. Just pick your favourite pet photo and customise with designs, layouts, backgrounds, and embellishments to create a custom phone case that your pup will love.
Personalised towel with a pet portrait
Get out of the shower and snuggle up in your own customised towel, this would make a brilliant giftfor your loved ones and your furr friend would appreciate seeing it’s face upstairs :D.
Take a tour around the website to find more of our home accessories that your new pup will love!
Sometimes it can be very tempting to let your sweet little puppy get away with being naughty. But if you want an obedient dog in the future, it starts by teaching them to behave well as a puppy.
Your puppy learns obedience through consistent following of clear rules. So, for example, if you don’t want your puppy to sit on your sofa, it’s important not to laugh at them or reward them for doing it one day and scold them for doing it another. This will be confusing for your puppy.
Reward your pet if they’ve been good and have listened, maybe with one of Paw and Glory's customised canvases. They would love to see their funky pet portraitup on the wall.
Don’t switch brands or types of food too much – you’ll need to limit the amount of variety in their diet because puppies have sensitive tummies. Feed them puppy food that’s suited to their age rather than adult dog food. Don’t give them titbits from the table and remember that human food and drink isn’t always suited to animals. Some of what we consume is actually toxic to dogs and can be fatal.
Always keep items that are toxic to dogs out of reach of your inquisitive canine friend. You’d be surprised how persistent puppies and dogs can be at finding things to eat, but even they shouldn’t be able to open a high cupboard. Make sure your puppy or dog never eats or drinks these items and if they accidentally do, contact your vet immediately and tell them what your pet has consumed.
Human food and drink that’s toxic to dogs
You can start to develop your puppy’s independence by leaving them in a room alone – first for a small period of time, then gradually build it up to be a bit longer. They might cry but try to wait until they’ve settled down before you go back to them.
If coronavirus restrictions allow you to leave your home for periods of time, you can gradually increase how long you leave your puppy home alone for. It’s best not to worry your puppy before you go by making a fuss, checking on them too much or giving them loads of cuddles. They’ll know something is different and pick up on your anxious vibes. Just make sure they have access to clean water and are in a safe place, calmly say goodbye if you want to and smile as you leave – no matter how worried you are! It’s all part of helping your fur baby become a big dog who’s well-adjusted to life in your home.
We hope these tips help you start your exciting journey as a new puppy parent. Good luck for lots of good doggy times!
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